Monday, August 17, 2009

WIP- A Boys Life (Update)

Here's my progress since this weekend. It's coming along slower than I'd anticipated but I was a bit under the weather over the weekend and didn't accomplish much of anything. I showed it to my son and he said "why are you drawing my butt mom?" I told him I was NOT drawing his butt, it's a drawing of him climbing. Seeking a second opinion, I showed one of my daughters and asked her what she thought of my progress. She said, "it looks okay so far, but why are you drawing Bubba's butt?".

I'm hoping as I progress, less focus will be placed on his backside and more will be on the drawing as a whole. We'll see if I can divert the viewer's eye to flow the way I want it too. Right now though, with that dark shadow beneath him I'm afraid my kids are right. Bubba's butt seems to be the star of the show!

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